Old City of Jaffa

Jaffa, or Joppa , is an ancient city and quite well-known. It is mentioned a few times in the Bible. It is known as the port which Jonah went to in order to escape having to preach to the people of Ninevah ( Jonah 1:3 ). Acts 9:36-43 tells of the story of Peter raising Dorcas (Tabitha) from the dead in Joppa. Acts 10 is a chapter we all know; of Peter's vision and the conversion of Cornelius. The Church of Saint Peter in Jaffa From Jaffa you can see the Mediterranean Sea, stretching for miles and miles and miles. You might notice an interesting rock formation grouped together--Andromeda's Rocks. Legend has it that Andromeda was chained to these rocks as a sacrifice for a sea monster. Perseus, on his famous winged horse Pegasus, came and saved her in the nick of time. Andromeda's Rocks We found a visitor's center and received a map and a self-tour booklet of Jaffa. My camera broke down at about this time and I c...