Looking Back Over 2016
2016 seemed to pass too quickly! Each year seems to pass quicker and quicker and quicker… = In January I competed in Season 2 of the National Bible Bee Game Show (which hasn’t been aired yet). It was a time for me to trust in G-d and experience His amazing power! = My family and I flew to Asia again in the spring. I resumed teaching my dance and Bible Study classes. We studied the book of John this year. = My birthday passed in April, and I started thinking a lot about the times “when I was little”. I like[d] going through old photos a lot! = In June my family and I gave talks at a 3-day Homeschool meeting in Asia. I spoke about how homeschooling was like for me, and I also answered some people’s questions. We also met a lot of families who were deciding between homeschool and public school education for their kids. = We returned to the States in July and took a road trip to Oregon. I re...