Looking Back Over 2016
2016 seemed to pass too quickly! Each year seems to pass quicker and quicker and quicker…
= In January I competed in Season 2 of the National Bible Bee Game Show (which hasn’t been aired yet). It was a time for me to trust in G-d and experience His amazing power!
= My family and I flew to Asia again in the spring. I resumed teaching my dance and Bible Study classes. We studied the book of John this year.
= My birthday passed in April, and I started thinking a lot about the times “when I was little”. I like[d] going through old photos a lot!
= In June my family and I gave talks at a 3-day Homeschool meeting in Asia. I spoke about how homeschooling was like for me, and I also answered some people’s questions. We also met a lot of families who were deciding between homeschool and public school education for their kids.
= We returned to the States in July and took a road trip to Oregon. I really liked the weather (not hot at all!) and maybe I’ll move there someday.
= We also competed in the Local Bible Bee in August. I remember the food we had at the potluck was good, and the fellowship was even better!
= August was also about the time I started to keep a lot of notebooks with me (and I have doubled the number right now!). It is very helpful, if you want to become an author.
ü In September, we took a trip to Israel. I had an amazing time (see my blog)! It was wonderful to see all the places and to really feel how G-d’s presence is always with His people.
ü After the six-week visit I became motivated to learn Hebrew and gave consideration to attending college in Israel.
ü I thought I could say more about this trip, but I’ve just discovered I can’t! There are so many things about Israel that cannot be described with words…too many wonderful experiences!
ü Hope to see you there (and will), someday in the [very near] future.
National Bible Bee
Ø In mid-November we competed in the National Bible Bee. My brother and I made it all the way to the semi-final competition, though we were both eliminated in the last round.
Ø My favorite memory: During the semi-final competition, I and the other contestants competing had a superb time backstage. All of us looked (and probably were) very nervous on stage, but backstage we were going crazy—especially since there was a camera crew filming us the entire time! Those who had been eliminated from the competition were talking to each other in whispers, and the camera people dangled microphones over their heads to catch what they were saying. We also had some pretty silly jokes and did some pretty silly stuff that the camera crew also videotaped (!).
Ø The Family Fun Area there was great! It was open for two days. I played foosball the whole first day, and also the next, though my hand was hurting by that time!
= At the end of November we said good-bye to California (ah, so warm and sunny!) and flew back to Asia. I opened my classes again—this time, though, I taught (dance and Bible Study) on Wednesdays and Thursdays. We are studying the book of James right now. So many things to learn!
= At the end of December (on the 29th, actually) I injured my ankle playing outside. Right now I still can’t walk and this accident is testing my patience! I am thankful for one thing, though—I don’t really have to do much of my chores at the moment!
This Year, I Discovered…
j How important it is to study the Torah, and how we can see Yeshua (Jesus) in every passage!
j How G-d has His timing.
j How G-d blesses His people, and blesses those who bless them!
j How G-d is always working on me, even when I don’t feel [like] it.
j How much friends can mean to you.
j How to “think before I speak”.
j How to “see half a cup full rather than half a cup empty”.
j The true meaning of “man is never satisfied with his lot” and a few ways to try to make this untrue in my life.
j How hard it is to try to write a book.
j How hard it is to keep all the trigonometric functions, laws, and etc. straight.
j How hard it is to translate a Bible Study lesson from English into Chinese without making funny mistakes.
j The best way to cook efficiently and effortlessly when I don’t feel like it.
j And much more!
Favorite Verses (NKJV)
8“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the L-RD. 9“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” —Isaiah 55:8-9
23Thus says the L-RD: “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, nor let the rich man glory in his riches; 24but let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the L-RD, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight,” says the L-RD. —Jeremiah 9:23-24
3Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. 4In G-d (I will praise His word), in G-d I have put my trust; I will not fear. What can flesh do to me? —Psalm 56:3-4
Happy New Year!
Catherine Chen :)(:
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