Sonoma County Beach

Sonoma County Beach

I absolutely LOVED the beach in Sonoma County that we went to during our stay at Windsor!  We parked the van in an empty space on a cliff overlooking the beach.  A long, sometimes steep, dirt path wound down the cliff.  A few feet above the sand we met several shaky wood steps made up of thin tree trunks bound together with wire rope.

At the bottom of the steps, before we reached the sand, was a whole area full of colorful rocks.  Not a single one was alike!  I wondered how God could create all of them.  I sat down on the pebbles and chose a handful to take home with me.

My favorite rocks were: a tiny turquoise-colored rock, a forest green pebble shaped like a heart, a marble-colored stone that reminded me of Chinese jade, and a rock half-plum color half-olive green color.

I also loved the beautiful rocks I called my "striped" ones:

My brother's favorite was a pure white stone he named "the hammerhead":

Near the right of the beach were several humongous rocks rising a couple meters above the sand.  Next to them were a few smaller one and a half meter stones.  The incoming tide splashed around the rocks and thoroughly wet the sand beneath them.

I managed to race up one of the smaller stones when the tide was going out—and barely slipped my feet out of the way before the waves splashed in again!  Dad came up beside me afterward (Grace was building a sandcastle, Anabel was digging a hole in the sand, and Theodore...I don't remember what he was doing) and we stayed on top for a while.  He got a nice picture atop the rock, but unfortunately I can't find it at the moment.  :(

We watched for a chance to leap from the rock and run all the way back where the sand was dry.  So as soon as the next wave withdrew, we jumped down and ran to escape the tide rushing back in.  My timing was a bit off, and I got the edge of my jeans soaked in saltwater and sand, but the rock was definitely the highlight of the whole beach excursion!

As a last event to wrap things up, there was a five-foot log a foot and a half in diameter being rolled about by the incoming waves—first onto the shore, then back into the ocean; onto the shore, and back into the ocean.

Mom and Grace rolled it up to a stable position when Dad and I were at the rock.  When the two of us came back, we rotated the log up a few more times.  Grace later arrived.  She and I pushed the log even further up away from the sea.  We packed sand around its base to stable it.

As a last thought about "the rock", may we all stand firm on Yeshua (the Hebrew name for Jesus) our rock.  When we are grounded deep in Him, we need not be afraid of the waves swirling around our feet, for they can never touch us!


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